About Gayhurst
Gayhurst is divided into Nursery, Junior and Senior departments which function in different ways and are geographically separate on the one site.
Our prime considerations in the teaching of children are that they are happy, challenged and achieve much. The well-being of the children is of key importance to all our staff. From an early age the children are encouraged to be responsible for their appearance, property and actions. In the Prep School Heads of Houses are selected. These pupils play an important role in the promotion of their houses and their positions are rotated termly.
The Year 8 pupils collectively are expected to set an example to the rest of the school but every pupil is given responsibility at some time during their school career. This might be as a form leader, librarian, Leader of the Orchestra, dining room or class helper. It is important to feel confident about fulfilling any task and in a small way these aspects of responsibility help to generate the confidence to work in a community.
The children are encouraged to use their own initiative but at all times good manners, tolerance and sensitivity towards others are stressed. Discrimination or bullying of any kind is not tolerated anywhere in the school.