The World’s Gone French
Yesterday Year 5 and 6 were treated to a French play. The play was thoroughly enjoyed by all the children in Years 5 and 6 and Year 6 wrote some glowing reviews!
“The World’s Gone French”, performed by Jes and Tilly, has lots of jokes and is very interactive with the audience. It was a very good play”. By Adi in 6B
“I really enjoyed the play, and even though at points I didn’t understand what they were saying word for word, I could make out roughly what they were saying. It was very clear, and although I was at the back, I could hear everything. Also, the fact that one actor could become so many different people so quickly was amazing. Overall, it was really good!” By Amber in 6W
“The play was hilarious, and I liked that there was French and English in each scene so you could understand what was happening. I think my favourite part was when the baby pooped his pants and one of the actors was asking if the teachers had done it! It was very funny. I was amazed when they said they had only had five days to practise. All I can say is that it was amazingly good”. By Fleur in 6W