
The Computing curriculum at Gayhurst aims to encourage the following in its pupils: 

  • Confident & safe use of technology and the Internet 

  • Skills to work independently in order to problem solve 

  • An understanding of Computing languages (Coding) 

  • Working knowledge of (cloud based) software to supplement studies across the curriculum 

We have a dedicated suite of laptops in the Prep School, where Years 5 and 6 also have their own Microsoft Surfaces and a ICT suite in the Pre Prep School, incorporating touch-screen Windows 10. Students are taught Computing in weekly lessons from Year 1, increasing to twice weekly lessons in Year 3 and 4. 

During Computing sessions, students will learn a range of valuable skills as well as exploring diverse topics that apply their skills to real contexts. In the early years, pupils are taught key computer concepts, such as typing and basic computer control, as well as an introduction to coding. They also use a variety of education programs to support their learning in other areas of the school curriculum. 

Pupils continue to develop their skills in Computing lessons, and extend their experience in support of their topic work. As children progress through the school, so they learn to develop their skills and employ them widely to more complex tasks. In the Prep School, pupils learn to use spreadsheets, edit video, create animations and Green Screen videos, experiment with different coding platforms and develop their use of presentation software. In their final year, students learn HTML code and complete integrated tasks of creating a business and designing its website. 

To enhance their coding practice, we have purchased an EdBot robot so the children can see their code in action and have introduced a Laser Cutter so children can bring their digital designs to life. 

We are successful in local competitions, with a large number of children receiving merits and distinctions in the annual Bebras Computational Thinking competition and others winning or placing in the local Rotary digital design challenge.  

With the introduction of STEAM at Gayhurst, the department is flourishing, allowing children to use technology in a more expansive and hands on way, such as building and programming floor robots using BBC Microbits and using the laser cutter to add designs to photo frames. 

Much of the way we work is changing and the students at Gayhurst are introduced to collaborative technologies as well as the skills required in Office applications. Use of IOS and MacOS devices throughout the school enhance the breadth of opportunities students at Gayhurst receive. 

By the time students leave Gayhurst, they are confident, independent users of technology. They are able to make decisions on appropriate applications to complete tasks and make informed judgements to stay safe online. In today’s technologically advancing world, it is vital that students use their devices as facilitators to greater things in their future. 

Contact Gayhurst

Gayhurst School
Bull Lane
Gerrards Cross

School Office
01753 882690

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