From Reception to Year 6, all children are encouraged to participate in a variety of clubs and activities that take place before, during and after school; all which help to stimulate and broaden their experiences, interests and skills beyond the normal curriculum.
For the large majority of activities, sessions are run by Gayhurst staff in order to extend relationships formed in the classroom and to create a stronger bond throughout the school between staff and pupils. However, where necessary, coaches are employed to enable pupils to benefit from specialist knowledge and expertise, such as in Ballet, Chess, Golf and Judo.
The list of activities available to pupils regularly change over the course of the year in order to allow pupils to take part in as many different activities as possible and broaden their experiences, although some of the most popular activities remain throughout the year.
It also supports pupils in pursuing their particular talents outside of school. As a result, in the past, pupils have represented Great Britain in skiing and ice skating; performed on the West End stage; had numerous successes in Equestrian pursuits and Ballroom Dancing and have been members of national music ensembles.
The list below are examples of activities regularly offered to pupils throughout the school year with additions often being made on a termly basis:
Pre Prep School After-school Activities
- MultiSports
- Short Tennis
- Football Icon
- Forest School
- Construction Club
- Art Club
- Drama
- Chess
- Gymnastics
- Cartoon Drawing Club
- Lego Club
- Doodle Club
- Model Making Club
- Tri Golf
- Board Games
- Funky Dance & Fitness
- Cookery Club
- Hama Beads Club
- Makaton Club
- Cosmic Yoga
Prep School After-school Activities
- Golf
- Chess Club
- History Explorers Club
- Athletics Club
- Archery Tag
- Italian Club
- Make and Do
- Cookery
- Invasion Games
- Kapla
- Creative Writing
- Tennis
- CrossFit Kids
- Gymnastics Club
- Craft Club
- Crochet Club
- Taskmaster
- Eco Warriors
- Journalism Club
- Orchestra Club
Prep School After-school Activities cont…
- STEAM Club
- Headmasters Quiz Club
- Sensory Club
- Squash Club
- Warhammer Club
- Explore Art
- Gymnastics Squad
- Basketball
- Film Review Club
- Lego Club
- Drama
- Ballet
- Choir
- Music Theory
- Doodle Club
- Coding Club
- Badminton
- Duathlon Club
- Model Making Club
- Table Tennis Club