Entry into Reception is by registration and there are no interviews at this young age. Children joining Reception attend full-time from the beginning of the Autumn Term and during the year your child will continue to build on the skills established in our Nursery. Our Reception day runs from 8.20am until 3.10pm.
Our Reception children are housed in bright airy classrooms and they all have direct access to their own outdoor learning space. They continue to develop their independence and confidence, with each child expected to take increasing responsibility for their own belongings. They are encouraged to care for themselves and others and begin to understand the important role they play in making their school community a happy place.
Class sizes are small and each Reception class has a Teaching Assistant.
The Reception timetable includes weekly visits to the Pre Prep School IT suite and Library. Specialist teachers provide weekly sessions in PE, Games, Dance, Music and Spanish. The Reception children swim in the Summer Term. The Reception children regularly use our wonderful school grounds to enhance their learning about the world around them.
As with all our year groups, confidence is further developed through concerts, plays and performances to the school and the wider community.
Reception children may attend our Wind Down Time after school until 5.15pm. Breakfast club from 7.25am and Supper Club until 6pm are available to all children in the school. In addition to this there are many clubs for Reception children to attend. These clubs run from 3.30pm until 4.10pm and include a variety of sport and creative activities.
Come and visit us to see a busy Reception day in action!