Years 1 and 2

Key Stage 1 at Gayhurst is a happy and busy environment, where we encourage our children to work hard and to celebrate everyone’s achievements. The core Gayhurst values of confidence, independence and resilience are further developed as the children move through Year 1 and 2.

With academic and social foundations securely in place from Nursery and Reception, the children in Year 1 continue to develop as enthusiastic and independent learners. The core curriculum is enhanced by specialist teaching in PE, Games, Music, Computing and Spanish and the children swim in the Autumn or Spring Term. LAMDA lessons are available for an extra charge.

The Year 2 children continue to develop their academic and personal qualities throughout the year and act as role models for our younger children. They are taught PE, Games, Music, Art, Computing and Spanish by specialist teachers and swim in the Autumn or Spring Term. Individual instrumental lessons, as well as LAMDA lessons are available for an extra charge. The Year 2 children visit the Prep School for Art and Library sessions each week, which helps them to prepare for the transition to Year 3.

Teaching Assistants work closely with the children in Year 1 and 2, to support and extend their learning.

The Year 1 day finishes at 3.20pm and the Year 2 day at 3.30pm. Year 1 and 2 children may attend our Wind Down Time after school until 5.15pm. Breakfast club from 7.25am and Supper Club until 6pm are also available to all children in the school. In addition to this there are many clubs for Year 1 and 2 children to attend. These clubs run from 3.30pm until 4.10pm and include a variety of sport and creative activities.

As with all our year groups, confidence is further developed through concerts, plays and performances to the school and the wider community.

By the end of Year 2 the children are well prepared both academically and socially for the exciting challenges that lie ahead in the Prep School

Contact Gayhurst

Gayhurst School
Bull Lane
Gerrards Cross

School Office
01753 882690

Email Address