Covid_19 our new normal

We were delighted to see all children back at Gayhurst during the summer term (last academic year) and back full time from September 2020. We continue to work towards a return to pre-COVID normality, however school arrangements are regularly risk-assessed and balanced against continued management of the virus and will be for the foreseeable future. We have provided clarity on how the school will operate and what has and will be done to reduce the risk. Pupil and staff health and welfare remain our priority at all times and all decisions taken have been done so in the best interests of preserving this.

In preparing for September, we adhered to the government guidance closely and continue to do so. A wealth of information has been provided, which lays out some very clear limitations and restrictions. The government advice which has informed our planning can be accessed via the link below.

Importantly, children who are displaying symptoms such as a high temperature or cough, or who have family members displaying symptoms must not attend school under any circumstances. The guidance clearly states that minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend childcare settings, schools or colleges.

All families are also expected to adhere to government guidance on travel, particularly for travel to those countries which require a period of quarantine on return.

The school has made amendments and continues to monitor the following:

  • Cleaning & hygiene requirements
  • Clear signage and guidance for those on the school site
  • Operational procedures, such as timings of the day, drop-off and collection arrangements, activities and after school care
  • The school has clear procedures for dealing with and potential cases in school
  • Reducing the amount of contacts in school and limited visitors to the school site
  • Providing a full catering provision for all
  • Organised children into year group ‘bubbles’ who are able to play freely with one another


Following the success of our @Home provision during full lockdown, we remain able to switch our full curriculum online for any group who finds themselves self-isolating.

Some key aspects to our Gayhurst@Home provision include:

  • Live lessons via Microsoft Teams
  • Introductory videos and lessons pre-recorded from teachers
  • Form teacher support for families via video/phone
  • Daily pastoral online meetings for children
  • Work provided online and submitted to teachers for feedback
  • Online assemblies
  • Online PE lessons with Gayhurst staff
  • Full curriculum coverage
  • Wellbeing prioritised and support provided

Individuals who find themselves self-isolating will be provided with online work and receive feedback from teachers.

Whilst Coronavirus demands a new normal, we are committed to providing a broad, balanced education where we enrich children’s learning and develop their resilience, independence and confidence. Through our approach and empathetic pastoral care we nurture girls and boys for success.

Contact Gayhurst

Gayhurst School
Bull Lane
Gerrards Cross

School Office
01753 882690

Email Address