In PSHCE we have a thematic approach to our work. All Year groups from Y1 to Y6 follow a spiralling curriculum which encompass the three main themes of : Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World.  Sex and Relationship Education, at an age appropriate level, is also covered in the curriculum.

PSHCE is very much a discursive subject where issues are sensitivity and compassionately dealt with and key concepts are taught and imbedded in a variety of different ways, for example: through hot seating, discussion, writing, through the medium of art and drama, group and paired work and by undertaking responsibility for things around the school such as turning off lights to save electricity and helping others at playtime.

As far as possible, we aim to have as many cross curricular links as possible and have engaged the services of outside speakers as well as undertaken outings to further enhance our learning.

Research has shown that in schools that have a comprehensive PSHCE programme, both achievement and wellbeing was significantly enhanced. Indeed the 2004 Leitch report emphasised the need for skills such as ability to communicate effectively, and to be innovative were all attributes necessary for life in the working environment.

At Gayhurst we pride ourselves on our interesting and comprehensive PSHCE programme which underpins many of our values, standards and attitudes within the school.

Contact Gayhurst

Gayhurst School
Bull Lane
Gerrards Cross

School Office
01753 882690

Email Address