Trips and Visits

Trips, both curricular and extra-curricular, occur regularly throughout the year and consideration for others and an appreciation of their place in the world are two of the key characteristics Gayhurst wishes to instil in its pupils during these experiences.

Gayhurst offers a wide range of opportunities and experiences for pupils in all year groups over the course of an academic year, both at home and abroad. A programme of age-appropriate educational visits is planned throughout the year to both support and enhance the work the children are undertaking and, in the Prep School, residential courses have been carefully chosen. Within these courses, activities are undertaken to challenge pupils both physically and mentally and at all times looking to develop their independence, confidence and resilience.

During the residential experiences in Year 3 and 4, pupils are given the chance to try their hand at everything from shelter building and fire lighting to trapping techniques and camouflage. In Year 5, pupils can look forward to outdoor adventure activities such as abseiling, rafting, surfing and rock climbing. During their final term at Gayhurst, Year 6 pupils can look forward to touring major cities across Europe, during which they are given the opportunity to test their language skills and visit some of the iconic sites that these countries and cities have to offer, experiencing the different cultures first hand.

Pupils are also given the opportunity to experience sports tours throughout Europe and the UK and also cultural tours such as the Basque Enrichment Tour and the Art and Choir Tour, which has so far visited Rome, Florence, Venice and Vienna, performing in exquisite venues such as St Mark’s Basilica, Basilica de Santa Maria del Popolo and the Pantheon.

Throughout all trips and residential experiences, our pupils are always complimented on their exemplary behaviour, commitment and enthusiasm towards all tasks and activities, representing the school in fantastic fashion. From camping to culture, the trips offered by the school provide the girls and boys with a wide range of experiences and a host of happy memories to take with them when they finally move on to their future schools.

Contact Gayhurst

Gayhurst School
Bull Lane
Gerrards Cross

School Office
01753 882690

Email Address