The Chair Museum
On Monday Year 4 visited the Wycombe Chair Museum with Miss Crosbie as part of their Spring Term Art project. The aim of the visit was to learn about the history of chair making in Buckinghamshire and to discover more about chairs with different functions. Over the course of the day the boys and girls were fully engaged in activities. In the museum they were sent on a discovery challenge to identify chairs around the gallery by their individual features. They discovered all sorts of chairs made to serve particular purposes.
In the Bodgers and Bottomers workshop the children were transported back in time through a role-play activity which was based on a real family of chair makers in High Wycombe from the Victorian era. The children learned about the various roles involved in the making of a Windsor Chair and they handled the original tools used to make them.
Later in the day the boys and girls had the opportunity to sketch some of their favourite chairs from the gallery and they also made and decorated a miniature paper chair to take home with them.